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Companies from around the globe have invested in Australia’s strengths attracted by its skilled workforce and solid economic performance.

Australia’s GDP growth is expected to outperform that of most major advanced economies over the five year period to 2017. Its triple A credit rating and its proximity to China means it is well poised to benefit from the future growth in South Pacific region. Of Australia’s top 12 exports of goods and services markets in 2011, ten were from the Asian region.

Australia’s economy is much more than mining and resources, with more than 80% of the economy being service based.  Its workforce is multi-cultural, and investors can access skilled and innovative workers who are equally at home in both western and Asian cultures. The lifestyle and quality of life also makes Australia an attractive destination for expatriate executives.

Setting up a business in Australia is remarkably easy. With a transparent and well-regulated business environment, Australia offers stability and a regulatory framework to protect the company’s best interests and provide confidence to employers.

For an in-depth advice about foreign investment in Australia please call Australian Accountants on +61 2 9415 1118 today.