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Business Diagnostic – a business health check

Reassess your business to ensure its success

Understanding where your business is at is essential to any successful business, especially if you have concerns over where business market is headed. We can assist you by undertaking a Business Diagnostic, which is fundamental to the analysis of the present state of a business.

What is a Business Diagnostic?

It is an analytical review of the operation of a business with view to providing a broad overview of operating performance and an indicator of potential issues for the business.

What is involved?

The business diagnostic can be carried out as an independent exercise to provide a health check on the business or it may form the first step in a larger business development engagement. It is a natural starting point for business development consulting.

What areas does it cover?

Our accountants will review the following areas for your business diagnostic:

  • Purpose of the document
  • Executive summary
  • Financial analysis
  • Trend analysis
  • Benchmarking overview
  • Break even point analysis
  • Ratio analysis
  • Financial analysis
  • Liquidity analysis
  • Human Resource analysis
  • Capacity issues analysis
  • Competition and industry factors
  • Technology
  • Marketing

What are the next steps?

  1. Our accountants will prepare your Business Diagnostic report. This is normally completed within 3 weeks of your data collection meeting.
  2. We will then meet with you to review your Diagnostic report and take you through it and identify the major areas of concern or issue. You will be provided with copies of the report to take away and encouraged them to think about the report and their follow on actions.
  3. We will later contact you to identify any follow up work that you recommend be undertaken.

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